KryptoKids with Birgit Schlotter

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In this episode, I am talking to Birgit Schlotter about KryptoKids – KryptoKids is German online project and game about online privacy.

Birgit is an information technologist and educational expert, focusing on media pedagogy. Since 2018, she is working at the office of youth media culture in North-Rhine Westfalia, which is a part of Germany. There, her main occupation is around data privacy and security. 

Images: (c) KryptoKids – used with permission

KryptoKids is a adventure game for kids from 8 years on about privacy. That’s a topic, that is often overlooked and I am so happy we finally cover this topic also when it comes to STEAM education. The game involves digital and analog elements – an iPad app combines these elements, so at some point kids have to scan codes with the iPad in their real environment for example. 

Images: (c) KryptoKids – used with permission

These are the three main topical blocks covered: data privacy, data security and finally location data. All the analog material which is required for using KryptoKids is available free of charge on their website. Other options include the rental of all devices and material needed as well as a professional coach that will help delivering the courses. 


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