MicroPython Workshop with the BBC micro:bit
I had a lot of fun giving an MicroPython workshop with the BBC micro:bit just a few days before the
a podcast for parents and educators passionate about #STEAM education
I had a lot of fun giving an MicroPython workshop with the BBC micro:bit just a few days before the
In this episode, we’re talking to Mimi Spahn Sattler. She is the Education Manager at Public Lab and is also
For this year’s Xmas episode, I am talking to Linda Liukas. Linda is the author and illustrator of Hello Ruby,
We’re talking to Anna Iarotska, the CEO and co-founder of Robo Wunderkind, an award-winning edtech company that provides innovative early
In this episode, we’re talking to Dr. John Shovic from SwitchDoc Labs. John is the Chief Technical Officer and co-founder of SwitchDoc Labs and he his team has created the SkyWeather Station, which is a do-it-yourself cloud connected Weather Station and an excellent project if you and your kids or students want to learn about the Weather and the sensors used to measure it.
In this episode, we’re talking to Jens Moenig – he is the co-founder and Lead Programmer of Snap! – a free, visual and educational programming language.
In this Episode, we’re talking to Ross Atkin, the creator of both the Crafty Robots and the Smartibot. The smartibot
In this episode, we’re talking to Martin Moos, Head of Sales and Customer Service at Sculpto. Sculpto is a Denmark-based 3d printing company that Kickstarted the Sculpto+ 3D printer in 2017.
On this show, we’re talking to Asaph Kim, Chief Design Officer and co-founder at 3.14 – a robotics edutech startup from South Korea which created the Kamibot educational robot.
In this very first episode, we talk to Dr. AnnMarie Thomas, the founder and director of the Playful Learning Lab at the University of St. Thomas. Squishy Circuits is about making dough that can be conductive or insulating. It’s like playdough, but the dough either conducts electricity or not.